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朱耀球(Yaoqiu Zhu)博士的讲座

        应马磊老师邀请,University of Texas at El Paso的朱耀球(Yaoqiu Zhu)博士将来我院做一场学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师同学、尤其是希望继续在国外读博或博后的研究生参加报告,报告会后朱耀球博士将设有招生咨询环节。

报告题目:The Chemistry of a Cardiovascular Medicine (Plavix): Exploring the Human Body “Reaction Factory”, Unraveling the Clinical Puzzle, and Discovering the Next Generation Medication
报告人:Yaoqiu Zhu, Ph.D.,Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at El Paso

Abstract: The focus of the seminar is the broad definition of medicinal chemistry: the chemical sciences of a medicine in human (patient) body. The seminar presents speaker’s recent independent discoveries on clopidogrel (Plavix), an antithrombotic drug that has shown high inter-subject variability and irresponsiveness in its 18 years clinical use. Comprehensive biochemical studies have revealed a dual role of the human body on clopidogrel and unraveled its long-overdue clinical puzzle. Based on these understandings, a series of medicinal chemistry strategies have been formulated for overcoming the therapeutic drawbacks of this blockbuster drug. These demonstrate that rational chemistry studies of “medicine in human body” can accelerate the discovery of the next generation therapies and therapeutics, and novel biomedical and pharmaceutical research methodologies can be developed to facilitate this.

Relevant Publication (* sole corresponding author)
3. Yaoqiu Zhu*, Jiang Zhou, and Bo Jiao “Clopidogrel Analogues as a New Generation of Antiplatelet Agents” ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 349-352.
2. Yaoqiu Zhu* and Jiang Zhou “In Vitro Biotransformation Studies of 2-Oxo-clopidogrel: Multiple Thiolactone Ring Opening Pathways Further Attenuate Prodrug Activation” Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2013, 26, 179-190.
1. Yaoqiu Zhu* and Jiang Zhou “Identification of the Significant Involvement and Mechanistic Role of CYP3A4/5 in Clopidogrel Bioactivation” ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 844-849.

Speaker’s Bio
Dr. Zhu obtained his B.S. of Chemistry in 2001 at Peking University in Beijing, China. Under the supervision of Prof. Richard B. Silverman (inventor of Pfizer’s blockbuster drug Lyrica) in the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University, he conducted doctoral research on enzyme chemistry and got his Ph.D. in 2006. With a strong interest in drug discovery, he then joined Abbott Laboratories as a senior research scientist. Dr. Zhu conducted “structure and drug-like property relationship” studies for over 20 internal R&D projects including a program that has eventually yielded the recently approved HCV drug Viekira Pak (AbbVie). After worked at Abbott for over two years, Dr. Zhu resigned and founded his own contract research company, MetabQuest. He independently built a drug metabolism and medicinal chemistry lab in Beijing, China. He and his team have worked with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes on various medicinal chemistry projects and preclinical studies. In addition, Dr. Zhu’s lab has participated in several translational drug discovery research collaborations involving Harvard Medical School, University of Pittsburgh, Northwestern University, China Pharmaceutical University, Cambria Biosciences, etc. To pursue the long-term goal of becoming a medicinal chemistry professor, since 2012, Dr. Zhu has closed his company and devoted his lab to academic research projects, including “Investigation of the clinical drawbacks of Plavix (BMS & Sanofi) and discovery of novel antiplatelet agents”. Recently he accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at Department of Chemistry in University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Zhu’s academic research focuses on novel methodologies for biomedical research and cancer drug discovery.

网页发布时间: 2015-11-20