章飞芳 博士 副研究员
电话: 64250627
传真: 64250627
E-mail: zhangff@ecust.edu.cn
女,浙江金华人,1975年出生。于2000年10月至2003年4月期间在德国环境与健康研究中心生态化学所工作学习两年,2003年毕业于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所获博士学位,并留所工作。 2008年12月调入华东理工大学。目前主要从事药物分析相关研究工作。自2004年开始负责与美国Eli Lilly and Company 的分析化学国际项目合作。承担了国家自然科学基金、十一五国家科技支撑计划、上海科委基础研究重点计划项目。目前已在国内外期刊上发表论文70余篇;申请专利16项。
1. Jin GW, Dai YT, Feng JT, Qin XM, Xue XY, Zhang FF*, Liang XM*. 2-d RP/RPLC method to separate components in fructus schisandrae chinensis. Journal of Separation Science, 2010, 33(4-5):564-569.
2. Liu QX, Xu LY, Ke YX, Jin Y*. , Zhang FF*, Liang XM. Analysis of cephalosporins by hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2011, 54(3):623-628.
3. Zhang FF, Li YP, Guo ZM, Liang T, Yang BC*, Zhou YZ, Liang XM. A polar-copolymerized method to prepare silica-based anion exchanger for ion chromatography. Talanta, 2011, 85(1):112-116.
4. Wei J, Guo ZM*, Zhang PJ, Zhang FF*, Yang BC, Liang XM. A new reversed-phase/strong anion-exchange mixed-mode stationary phase based on polar-copolymerized approach and its application in the enrichment of aristolochic acids. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1246: 129-136.
5. Gu JP, Zhang PJ, Zhang FF*, Shen HQ, Yang BC*, Liang XM, Chu XG. Determination of aristolochic acids in rat serum by high performance liquid chromatography-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5: 718-721.
6. Ji SL, Zhang FF∗, Luo X, Yang BC∗, Jin GW, Yan JY, Liang XM. Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymer sorbents and application for the determination of aminoglycosides antibiotics in honey. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1313: 113– 118.
7. Luo X, Zhang FF*, Ji SL, Yang BC*, Liang XM. Graphene nanoplatelets as a highly efficient solid-phase extraction sorbent for determination of phthalate esters in aqueous solution. Talanta, 2014, 120: 71-75.