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2003年毕业于华东理工大学制药工程专业(主修)和科技英语专业(辅修),2008年获华东理工大学制药工程与技术博士学位,导师罗国安教授、王义明教授。2004.5-2008.5年在清华大学化学系罗国安教授实验室完成博士论文研究工作;2007.11-2008.4在英国Brunel University Prof. Ian Sutherland和Prof. Svetlana Ignatova课题组开展天然药用植物活性成分分离方法研究;2012.12至2013.12在美国National Institutes of Health Dr. Yoichiro Ito实验室进行高速逆流色谱技术合作研究,同期在美国National Institute of Standards and Technology Dr. Ming Zheng实验室开展碳纳米管的相关研究。2008.7起任职于华东理工大学药学院,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目、上海自然科学基金项目和中央高校基本科研业务费探索基金等课题,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海科委国际合作项目、科技部新药创制重大专项等课题。
Y. Li, F.F. Cai, M. Zhang*, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu*. Two-stage fractionation of polar alkaloids from Rhizoma coptidis by countercurrent chromatography considering the strategy of reactive extraction. Journal of Chromatography A. 2015, 1378: 58-64.

(*corresponding author)
Journal Papers
(21) F.F. Cai, Y. Li, M. Zhang*, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu*. Combination of integrated expanded bed adsorption chromatography and countercurrent chromatography for direct extraction and purification of pseudohypericin and hypericin from St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Jounal of Separation Science. 2015, 38 (15): 2588–2596;
(20) Y. Li, F.F. Cai, M. Zhang*, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu*. Two-stage fractionation of polar alkaloids from Rhizoma coptidis by countercurrent chromatography considering the strategy of reactive extraction. Journal of Chromatography A. 2015, 1378: 58-64;
(19) M. Zhang, C.Y. Khripin, J.A. Fagan, P. McPhie, Y. Ito, M. Zheng. Single-step total fractionation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by countercurrent chromatography. Analytical Chemistry. 2014, 86 (8): 3980–3984;
(18) Y. Li, N. Wang, M. Zhang*, Y. Ito, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, X. Guo, P. Hu*. Development of a method to extract and purify target compounds from medicinal plants in a single step: online hyphenation of expanded bed adsorption chromatography and countercurrent chromatography. Analytical Chemistry. 2014, 86 (7): 3373–3379;
(17) P. Hu, M. Liu, J. Zhao, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, M. Zhang*. Integrated expanded bed ion exchange chromatography as a tool for direct recovery shikimic acid from Illicium verum. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. 2014, 32 (3): 316-332;
(16) J.N. Mi, M. Zhang*, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, S.K. Wu, P. Hu*. Coupling of ultrasound-assisted extraction and expanded bed adsorption for simplified medicinal plant processing and its theoretical model: extraction and enrichment of ginsenosides from Radix Ginseng as a case study. Journal of Separation Science. 2013, 36 (3): 593-601;
(15) P. Hu, H.Y. Zhang, D.Y. Mao, F.H. Ning, R.J. Wang, Y.R. Wang, M. Zhang. Determination of Homovanilic Acid in Human Urine by Weak Anion-Exchange Hypercrosslinked Polymer Resin-Solid Phase Extraction-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Ultraviolet Detection Method. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 40 (8): 1175–1180;
(14) J.N. Mi, M. Zhang*, G.X. Ren, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu*. Enriched separation of protopanaxatriol ginsenosides, malonyl ginsenosides and protopanaxadiol ginsenosides from Panax ginseng using macroporous resins. Journal of Food Engineering. 2012, 113 (4): 577-588;
(13) M. Zhang, S. Ignatova, P. Hu, Q.L. Liang, Y.M. Wang, I. Sutherland, F. Wu, G.A. Luo. Cost-efficient and process-efficient separation of geniposide from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis by high-performance counter-current chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology. 2012, 89: 193-198;
(12) H.Y. Zhang, H.H. Yang, M. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, J.R. Wang, L.F. Yau, Z.H. Jiang, P. Hu. Identification of flavonol and triterpene glycosides in Luo-Han-Guo extract using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2012, 25 (2): 142-148;
(11) M. Zhang, S. Ignatova, P. Hu, Q.L. Liang, Y.M. Wang, G.A. Luo, F. Wu, I. Sutherland. Development of a strategy and process parameters for a green process in counter-current chromatography: Purification of tanshinone IIA and cryptotanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge as a case study. Journal of Chromatography A. 2011, 1218 (36): 6031-6037;
(10) M. Zhang, H.H. Yang, X. Chen, Y.C. Zhou, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu. In-situ extraction and separation of salvianolic acid B from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge by integrated expanded bed adsorption. Separation and Purification Technology. 2011, 80 (3): 677-682;
(9) M. Zhang, H.H. Yang, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu. Development of a process for separation of mogroside V from Siraitia grosvenorii by macroporous resins. Molecules. 2011, 16 (9): 7288-7301;
(8) Y.J. Cheng, M. Zhang, Q.L. Liang, P. Hu, Y.M. Wang, F. Wu, G.A. Luo. Two-step preparationofginsenoside-Re, Rb1, Rc and Rb2 from the root of Panaxginseng by high-performance counter-current chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology. 2011, 77 (3): 347-354;
(7) M. Zhang, S. Ignatova, Q.L. Liang, F. Wu, I. Sutherland, Y.M. Wang, G.A. Luo. Rapid and high throughput purification of salvianolic acid B from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge by high-performance counter-current chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. 2009, 1216 (18): 3869-3873;
(6) M. Zhang, P. Hu, Q.L. Liang, H.H. Yang, Q.F. Liu, Y.M. Wang, G.A. Luo. Direct process integration of extraction and expanded bed adsorption in the recovery of crocetin derivatives from Fructus Gardenia. Journal of Chromatography B. 2007, 858 (1-2): 220–226;
(5) M. Zhang, J.N. Mi, X.L. Yang, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu. HPLC fingerprint of water-soluble constituents of Illicium verum Hook. f. and qualitative analysis of shikimic acid. Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2011, 45 (12): 91-95 (in Chinese);
(4) X. Chen, H.H. Lu, M. Zhang, P. Hu, Y.C. Zhou. Study on the absorption and desorption properties of Salvianolic Acids from Salvia mihiorrhiza Bunge by macroporous resin. Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research. 2010, 21 (3): 546-548 (in Chinese);
(3) L.Q. Lu, Y.C. Zhou, X. Chen, M. Zhang, J.T. Dai. Dynamic extraction process of salvianolic acids. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. 2010, 35 (22): 2976-2979 (in Chinese);
(2) M. Zhang, P. Hu, G.A. Luo, Y.M. Wang. HPLC fingerprint of the water-soluble constituents in Angelica Sinensis. Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine. 2007, 29 (5): 628-630 (in Chinese);
(1) M. Zhang, P. Hu, G.A. Luo, Y.M. Wang. Application of HPLC fingerprint to analysis of rhizome of Panax notoginseng. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. 2007, 38 (3): 442-445 (in Chinese).
Conference Papers
(4) Y. Li, M. Zhang, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, P. Hu*. Two-stage fractionation of polar alkaloids from Rhizoma coptidis by countercurrent chromatography considering the strategy of reactive extraction. The 4th Chinese Conference on Pharmaceutical Analysis. (Oral presentation, 2014, Shanghai, China);
(3) M. Zhang, C.Y Khripin,J.A. Fagan, P. McPhie, Y. Ito, M. Zheng. Single-step complete fractionation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by countercurrent chromatography with an aqueous two-phase solvent system. The 8th International Conference on Countercurrent Chromatography. (CCC2014, London, UK);
(2) P. Hu, M. Liu, M. Zhang*, Y.X. Hua, H.Y. Zhang, Y.R. Wang, G.A. Luo*. From medicinal plant to compound: isolation of shikimic acid from Illicium verum by hyphenated expanded bed adsorption chromatography and counter-current chromatography. The 7th International Conference on Countercurrent Chromatography. (Oral presentation, CCC2012, Hangzhou, China);
(1) M. Zhang, S. Ignatova, P. Hu, Q.L. Liang, Y.M. Wang, G.A. Luo, F.W. Wu, I. Sutherland. Exploiting counter-current chromatography as a green process: purification of tanshinone IIA and cryptotanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge as a case study. The 6th International Conference on Countercurrent Chromatography. (CCC2010, Lyon, France).