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Professor Han Wei
发布时间:2019-05-20   访问次数:972   作者:

Contact Information

  • Office:Room 933, Researching Building 18

  • Email: whan@ecust.edu.cn

  • Office Phone: +86 21 6425 3705

  • Office Fax: +86 21 6425 3705


  • 1996.01  Ph.D.  Chemical engineering, East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, P. R. China

  • 1990.06  B.Eng.  Chemical engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, P. R. China

Professional Experience

  • 2006.09-now  Professor, Modern Engineering Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Pharmacy, ECUST

  • 2005.01-2006.08  Associate Professor, Modern Engineering Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Pharmacy, ECUST

  • 1999.11-2004.12  Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Research Center, School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST

  • 1996.01-1999.10  Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Research Center, School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST

Research Interests

  • Research and development of active ingredients of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • New pharmacy technology and equipment design of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Research and development of natural functional ingredients

  • Separation and engineering amplification of chemical products


  1. Na Feng, Yutian Wei, Jie Feng, Qingjiu Tang, Zhong Zhang, Jingsong Zhang*, Wei Han*. Preparative isolation of ganoderic acid S, ganoderic acid T and ganoderol B from Ganoderma lucidum mycelia by high-speed counter-current chromatography[J]. Biomedical Chromatography, 2018,e4283:1-8.

  2. Wei Liu, Jingsong Zhang, Wei Han, Yanfang Liu, Jie Feng, Chuanhong Tang, Na Feng*, Qingjiu Tang*. One single standard substance for the simultaneous determination of 17 triterpenes in Ganoderma lingzhi and its related species using high-performance liquid chromatography[J]. Journal of Chromatography B, 2017, 1068-1069: 49-55.

  3. Xianqing Hu, Wei Han*, Zhuzhen Han, Qingxin Liu, Xike Xu, Peng Fu, Huiliang Li*. Chemical Constituents from Celastrus angulatus[J]. Chemtry of Natural Compound. 2015, 51(1): 148-151.

  4. Xianqing Hu, Wei Han*Zhuzhen Han, Qingxin Liu, Xike Xu, Peng Fu, Hui Liang Li*. Three new diphenylpropanes from Celastrus hindsii[J]. Arch. Pharm. Res. 2014, 37(11): 1411-1415.

  5. Chengxiao Wang, Jianfang Ma, Ran Liu, Wei Han*, Xiuzhen Tang*. A thermoplastic elastomer patch matrix for traditional Chinese medicine: design and evaluation[J]. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 2014, 40(2): 211-221.

  6. Xianqing Hu, Wei Han*, Zhuzhen Han, Qingxin Liu, Xike Xu, Peng Fu, Hui Liang Li*. A new macrocyclic lactone and a new quinoflavan from Celastrus hindsii[J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2014, (7): 169-172.

  7. Yin Lin, Minfeng Lu, Haibing Liao, Yu-xian Li, Wei Han*, Ke Yuan. Content determination of the flavonoids in the different parts and different species of Abelmoschus esculentus L. by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatograph and colorimetric method. Pharmacognosy Magazine[J]. 2014, 10(39): 278-284.

  8. Chengxiao Wang, jianfang Ma, Ran Liu, Wei Han*, Xiuzhen Tang. A Drug-in-Adhesive Matrix Based on Thermoplastic Elastomer: Evaluation of Percutaneous Absorption, Adhesion, and Skin Irritation[J]. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech201213(4)1179-1189.

  9. Chengxiao Wang, Wei Han*, XiuZhen Tang, Hao Zhang. Evaluation of Drug Release Profile from Patches Based on Styrene–Isoprene–Styrene Block Copolymer: The Effect of Block Structure and Plasticizer[J]. AAPS PharmSciTech, 2012, 13(2): 556-567.

  10. Weizhun Yang, Zhongyi Yang, Jiansong Sun* , Wei Han*, Wei-Dong Zhang, Biao Yu*. Efficient synthesis of kaempferol 3,7-O-bisglycosides via successive glycosylation with glycosylortho -alkynylbenzoates and trifluoroacetimidates[J]. Tetrahedron Letters, 2012, (53): 2773-2776.

  11. Weizhun Yang, Wei Han*, Wei-Dong Zhang, Lei Shan*, Jiansong Sun*. Efficient Carbonylation of Aryl and Heteroaryl Bromides under Atmospheric Pressure of CO[J]. SYNLETT, 2011, (15): 2253-2255.

  12. Shan Gao, Wei Han* and Xiu Deng. Study on the mechanism of microwave-assisted extraction of mahonia bealei (Fort.) Leaves and Chrysanthemum morifolium (Ramat.) Petals. Flavour and Fragrence Journal2004, 19244-250.